
Monday 31 August 2015

Business cards

 In class we have been making business cards to tell our parents about our open learning class Me,Malaika and Micaiah made business cards on google draw we mad 4 of them to give every one a choice on what people wanted to give to there parents.we are looking ford to the open class on Wednesday.

Monday 24 August 2015

Variety Show Reflectoin

Variety Show Reflection 

i enjoyed learning the dance and having lots of fun dressing up into my costume getting ready to dance in front of my family 

i learnt how to be a great team member it made me fell successful

challengers i had was probably learning my dance in time and not to make a mistake 

i solved my challengers from practicing my dance  as much as i could.

i would probably change for next time maybe i would change the dance that i did so i did not have any arguments just to make it a little bit easy for every one 
how i would do is to hopefully take more part in the dance 
why because everyone struggled with the dance 

Friday 21 August 2015

This week has been a crazy week we 4 full performances on Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday and Friday on Monday we had a dress rehearsal. Mrs P did our hair into buns Teagan did our makeup and Meagan did Ashley's. We ha so much fun and i think we did a fantastic job at performing we got the crowd clapping and dancing to us i think it was the best performance we had ever done.

Wednesday 19 August 2015


I had to listen to some videos on story line online that is read by famous people  because our activity  was to  choose a favorite a story of ours. then we had to pick a book that we liked from the library and then we had to practice reading the book   trying to make eye contact with the camera. Then I recorded ourselves. After that I uploaded the video into Windows live movie maker and saved on my blog. Its the first time I ever used Windows live movie maker I thought it was cool and fun too use and i loved all the special effects and things you could do.

Friday 7 August 2015

we have been doing music covers

our music cover

hi everyone

In room 4 we have all been learning to make a CD cover for our variety show songs E-learners Gonna give it to ya,Its a mix of uptown funk,i got bills and move i am a dancer and i am dancing to move and uptown funk that we just turned them into our own learning songs we had Ollie and Malaika  and we got 2-3 people from each group to be in the music 

cover witch is going to be in the background of our performance .