
Wednesday 23 November 2016

volcano experiment

In room 5 we got into groups and choose a new Zealand volcano my group choose Mount Taranaki then we had to make a volcano using news paper after that we painted our volcanoes. once the volcanoes were dry Miss Hudson drew the north island on our school court we placed the volcanoes on the court and added 4 teaspoons of baking soda we waited and then boom the volcanoes started exploding. After watching the volcanoes i learnt that if all the volcanoes in the north island exploded then most of the north island would be destroyed.

Thursday 20 October 2016

grandparents poem

Makes me feel happy

grandparents day is on Tuesday and in room 5 we had to write a poem about your grandparents or grandparent.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

in room 5 we had to make a new aunt for James i made aunt daisy because daisy's are my favourite flower and daisy sounds like a nice name.

Giant peach hits New York

in room 5 we have finished watching James and the Giant peach then we had t make a news paper article about how the peach paraded in new York this is mine

Monday 19 September 2016

James aunts

In room 5 we have started to watch James and the giant peach we had to draw Aunt Spiker and Aunt  Sponge its hard because I normally draw nice people the hardest Aunt to draw is Aunt Sponge because she  is so fat so my Aunt Sponge is to fat but that is what you get if you eat to much

Thursday 25 August 2016

Olympic Poster

In room 5 we had a relieve teacher his name was Mr Kathnaur he told us to make a poster about the rRo Olympics 2016.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Olympic athletes

In room 5 Miss Hudson has combined reading and writing together and has set all of these tasks here is one of them.

Eliza McCartney

Find a newspaper article about the Olympics
At 19 years of age Eliza McCartney wins a bronze medal at the Rio Olympics 2016. The teenager pole vaulter from the North Shore (Auckland) is the first female Olympian receive  a medal at such a young age. 5 people were left in the final, then Eliza jumped 4.80 metres to end up in 3rd place. This is the first time ever New Zealand has received a medal in this sport.

Monday 22 August 2016

quality blog posts

With Mrs Krausse we got into partners and made a slide about quality blog posts.

The Olympic disaster

The Olympic disaster
We arrive at the hotel it's cold and damp and something on the floor is wet and smells disgusting. Me, Malaika and Eloise decide to drop our bags off and go for a walk. Outside there isn't much fresh air because of all the pollution in the water but it's better than the hotel. We see this shop called ‘Sports and things’. The shop had gold carvings and it looked like a nice shop.

Inside there was a nice friendly looking man who had not much hair and there was little bits of grey in it . He had a huge smile almost bigger than his face. Eloise said, “Hi do you have any training clothes for gymnastics?” The man said “Just over at the back of the store,” still smiling.”Thanks,” said Eloise. Me, Malaika and Eloise  headed  towards the back of the store. Eloise was looking at the clothes until she noticed something weird. It was a door with lots of locks on it. Another customer came in so the man was talking to him. We went closer to the door it looked interesting. Malaika tried opening the door it was surprisingly unlocked. We went into the room it was so weird there was a big black bowl just like a witches cauldron. Then all of a sudden we heard a voice.

“What are you doing in here? The door is meant to be locked.” Malaika says what is this place?” The man dropped his smile right into a frown “OH NO” we made him mad Sienna said but of course she didn't say that out loud. The man said “Since you went into my spell room you will be testers for my new spell so tell me about yourself.” “Well we are from New Zealand and we are here to play in the Olympics.”Eloise said, but i stop her in in her tracks and give her a little nudge but it was too late.The man says “oh ok then,” and quickly throws what looked like glitter then all of a sudden we were in a different world. There was candy floss like clouds ,candy canes like trees 10 times bigger than us, m&ms as stones and chocolate mud. We started to walk around.

Malaika started to say she was hungry but obviously she doesn't notice we are in a place full of food. I started to wonder if we would ever get out or would we be stuck here forever. The man's face suddenly appeared out of nowhere of course it wasn't his  real head or that would be impossible. The big face started talking, I am going to make you a deal if you don't win a gold medal you will come back and you will be here forever and never leave. There was a flash of light and we were back in the horrible hotel.  I was standing in the wet smelly puddle which makes me want to cry so I go to the bathroom and turn the shower on. I go to hop in the water it's so cold but I would rather get rid of the horrible smell.

After my shower we decided to go to the Olympic stadium to train for our big day tomorrow. I went out the door first because Malaika and Eloise were too scared a mouse would come past. We got to the stadium it was so cool there were thousands of seats that were the colour of the Brazil flag painted on each seat and huge fairy lights all over the stadium. Malaika said “Okay let's get to it!”so we all go our own way to practice. We train for about 4 hours and we decided to leave. The bed was so springy it was really bad.

The next morning we were so sore it was about 5am. We got into our uniforms and headed towards the stadium. Malaika was up first playing tennis and she won”YAY!” we all shouted. Now it was Eloise's turn. She wasn't doing too well until she did this amazing trick and got a gold medal. And last but not least it was time for me to win a gold. I was nervous, I tried my best but i ended up getting silver I was so sad until I found out that I got gold and the other person cheated. We all said,”YAY, we are safe.”

It was now time for us to go back to New Zealand. We were in the air but then the plane broke down “OH NO” we all shouted.

Monday 15 August 2016

Joy Cowley author studdy

For reading we had to make a author studdy about Joy Cowley and read one of her books  that she has edited here is my slide.

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Sophie Cocks

Sophie Cocks

Sophie Cocks is a New Zealand hockey player she plays for the New Zealand black sticks. She is one member of the black sticks women's team who are going to the Rio olympics 2016.

Sophie was born in Christchurch on the 25th of July 1994. Sophie is 22 years old she grew up in Lincdon and went to st Margaret college. Sophie is 172 meters tall and her weight is 62 kg. Sophie is blonde with green eyes.

Sophie plays the position of a striker. She has played over 100 tests and has only won a bronze medal. Sophie is a great defender her shirt number is 17. The first game she had ever played for the black sticks was New Zealand vs Australia.

Although Sophie is young she is still an amazing hockey player who will do a great job of representing New Zealand in the olympics.

By Sienna

Friday 8 July 2016

In room 5 red reading group made news paper articles about how much takeaways do you eat?

Thursday 30 June 2016

comic strip

In room 5 we have been making comic strips on what you would be like if you were tired and didn't have enough sleep and also if you had enough sleep on what you would be like.

Monday 27 June 2016

Blog profile 2016

In room 5 we have been learning how to make a Blog profile and how to set up our Blogs.